Book 2 - Sochu Breadcrumbs

When I Grow Up: Curiosity, Play, and the Inner Child

When I Grow Up: Curiosity, Play, and the Inner Child

The most quintessential question kids get asked is: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In today’s success-driven world, we introduce children to endless activities, hoping to prepare them for a bright future. But Sochu Book 2 gently reminds us of something more profound—what children really need is to be children.

The book also nudges adults to reconnect with their inner child. Curiosity, play, and joy aren’t just for kids; they are essential for everyone.

Play Matters for Children and Adults

Play helps kids explore the world, express emotions, and develop life skills. For adults, play rekindles creativity, improves mental well-being, and keeps curiosity alive.

Here are 12 exciting breadcrumbs to explore themes of play, curiosity, and imagination:

1. The Importance of Play | John Cohn | TEDxDelft

In this inspiring talk, John Cohn discusses how play is critical for innovation, learning, and human happiness. He shares personal stories of how curiosity and playfulness have driven his creativity as a scientist.

🎥 The Importance of Play | TEDxDelft

2. Play is More Than Fun | Stuart Brown | TED Talk

Stuart Brown, a renowned researcher on play, explains how play shapes the brain, fosters empathy, and boosts creativity. He demonstrates why play is vital for survival—for both children and adults.

🎥 Watch Here: Play is More Than Fun | TED Talk

3. The Power of Curiosity | TED-Ed

Curiosity is at the heart of discovery and learning. This animated video explains why curiosity matters, how it drives innovation, and why we should never stop asking “Why?”

🎥 Watch Here: The Power of Curiosity | TED-Ed

4. Rediscovering Wonder | Louie Schwartzberg | TED Talk

Louie Schwartzberg combines breathtaking visuals with moving reflections on nature, curiosity, and gratitude. This talk reminds us to see the world through the eyes of a child—full of wonder.

🎥 Watch Here: Rediscovering Wonder | TED

5. The Importance of Unstructured Play

Unstructured play is vital for children's emotional and cognitive growth. It fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and resilience by allowing children to explore and learn in a self-directed environment.

🎥 Watch Here: Unstructured Play | Harvard

6. The Inner Child: How Play Benefits Adults

Adults often forget the value of play. This video explains how playfulness can enhance relationships, reduce stress, and even improve your career by encouraging creative thinking.

🎥 Watch Here: The Power of Play for Adults

7. The Joy of Playing Music | Playing For Change

Music as play is a universal language that fosters joy, connection, and imagination. This video shares inspiring stories of people around the world playing music together for happiness and peace.

🎥 Watch Here: Playing For Change

8. Let Kids Be Bored | How Boredom Sparks Creativity

Boredom is often where creativity begins. This video discusses how giving children space to be “bored” encourages them to use their imagination, invent games, and explore ideas.

🎥 Watch Here: The Benefits of Boredom

9. Why Imaginative Play Is Essential for Kids

This video explores how imaginative play—pretend games, stories, and creativity—helps children develop critical thinking, empathy, and confidence.

🎥 Watch Here: Why Imaginative Play Matters

10. Act Your Age! How and Why to Play Like an Adult | TEDxTCNJ

Tabitha Dell'Angelo highlights the importance of play for adults, explaining how it reduces stress, fosters creativity, and improves overall well-being.

🎥 Watch Here: Act Your Age | TEDxTCNJ

11. The Genius of Play | The LEGO Foundation

Play is fundamental to learning and creativity. This video highlights how the LEGO Foundation promotes learning through play to help children develop essential life skills and foster creativity.

🎥 Watch Here: Learning Through Play | LEGO Foundation

12. Reflection and Activity Suggestions: Bring Play Into Your Life!

To inspire children (and adults!) to retain curiosity and joy, here are a few activities:

  • 🎨 Creative Play: Build a fort using cardboard boxes or create art using recycled materials.
  • 🎲 Unstructured Fun: Leave screens aside and have a day filled with imaginative outdoor games—no rules, just play!
  • 🎶 Music Play: Experiment with everyday objects as instruments and make music together.
  • 📚 Curiosity Corner: Ask kids or adults to make a “What I Want to Be” dream board with drawings or magazine cut-outs.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Family Nature Walks: Observe nature, find fun shapes in clouds, or invent stories about animals you spot.

Play isn’t a distraction from “success”—it’s the foundation for a fulfilling, curious, and creative life.

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